As part of our mission to promote people-centric science, SS-F has established a new funding program to provide one year of support to maintain or acquire new talent (hereafter noted as Candidate) in a Stellar Inventor’s lab until new support is acquired.
Eligibility for SPA funding:
A Stellar Inventor who
- has an outstanding recruitment Candidate who drives PI’s high-risk and high-reward research
- is willing to build a collaborative program across the SS-F community
- intend to keep the Candidate by the other budget or fellowship sources in subsequent years
*Note: SS-F believes that substantial diversity can help build an impactful research program.
Application documents:
1. Cover Letter.
2. Mentoring plan. In one page or less, state your mentoring strategy for the Candidate – why and how the potential recruitment will accelerate your research/program.
3. Sustainability plan. The SPA funding budget maximum is JPY 5,000,000 in one year for supporting Candidate’s salary. No PI salary coverage. SPA funding is not renewable, therefore, explain how you plan to transition to support salary after SPA money will be fully spent.
4. Full Completed Proposal for Future Fellowship applications. If applicable
5. NIH Biosketch or CV of both the PI and the intended candidate.
6. Other PI’s Funding Support page. Supply information on existing funding sources including public and non-public funding.
Submit application to info [at] by email as a single PDF document with documents in the order listed above. Please replace [at] to @ in the email address.
Application deadline: For this round, the application deadline will be March 6th, by 5 pm. Principle investigators should anticipate a response within 2 weeks. The application period has ended.
Review process and criteria
Proposals are reviewed by ad hoc reviewers who are organized by SS-F. Reviewers are instructed to use NIH scoring criteria. Applications are ranked according to average score and then funded from the highest score downwards. The program committee has the option to request the candidate to interview.
If you obtain SS-F SPA funding but your application is subsequently funded from an external source, we will require that any duplicative funding to be returned.